Redefining Consumer Electronics Device Care

Best Product

Through our partnership with leading insurers, we create warranty products providing exceptional value.

Sales Enablement

EWAD assists retailers to increase their warranty sales through skills
upgradation and continuous engagement.

Enhanced Experience

Through our extensive repair network and technology, we ensure a delightful post purchase warranty experience.

Trusted Device Care Partner

EWAD is at the forefront of innovation, combining the power of technology and subject matter expertise to deliver superior device care programs for retailers.

We engage with retailers starting from product design to sales to operational readiness and to continuous improvement throughout the life cycle.

We are the trusted partner of leading insurance companies to offer device care products and manage device claims as the third-party administrator.

With a team of seasoned executives bringing extensive expertise in device care management, we are committed to ensuring a hassle-free and delightful post-purchase experience throughout Device Lifecycle Management.

Why Choose Us?

Technology-Driven Excellence

We leverage cutting-edge technology to enhance your experience and streamline the claims management process.


Our on-ground presence enables us to monitor and respond in real-time, ensuring swift resolution of claims.

Customer-Centric Approach

At EWAD, we prioritise and aim to deliver a customer-centric experience that exceeds expectations.

Thoughtfully Designed

Products designed to meet varied customer requirements with the best-in-class terms, coverage and value.

Ongoing Engagement

With our partners throughout Product Design > Launch > Continuous Improvement 

Excellent Performance

Proven and dependable track record of increasing attachment ratio.

Strategic Approach


Product Design

Customer Need Analysis
Customize Proposal from Insurers
Approval & Contract



Train the Floor Staff
Strategic Pricing
Launch New Incentive Program


Continuous Improvement

Performance Monitoring
Train the Trainer
Analytics Driven Interventions